No More Dysphoria
We’re a queer-run 501(c)3 non profit with the goal of helping trans + non-binary individuals financially through major aspects of their transitions. We aim to help in any way possible, whether it be donating a binder or helping fund Hormone Replacement Therapy (along with anything and everything in between).
Our Partners
The 1312 began its life as a physical embodiment of one of Black Mass Electronic’s fundamental beliefs: Black Lives Matter. It also provided an actionable avenue for us to demonstrate our support monetarily. This new iteration of the 1312 embodies another important sentiment: Trans Rights are Human Rights. 50% of the profits from these pedals will be split between several organizations whose causes we support - No More Dysphoria, Transgender Emergency Fund, Asian American Resource Workshop, Black & Pink - Boston, and Solidarity North Shore.
“No more dysphoria has helped me and many friends receive binders and funds to help further our transitions. They are a vital organization in helping trans people who are in financial need.”
“Super friendly staff, willing to help those in need if able , simple process to communicate with them!”
“They truly help change lives. The help the provided me made it possible to achieve two of my biggest goals during my transition. I’m so very thankful for them and everything they do for the community. ”
“No More Dysphoria has helped me multiple times in the past with providing binders for students of mine who are transgender. I work in a school district that has a lot of poverty so many of my students struggle with getting adequate food and housing, let alone gender affirming clothing and accessories. I facilitate the GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) at my school and have had many transgender students come through my room since I began teaching. It has been incredible to have a resource like No More Dysphoria to ask for help and point my students to for gender affirming clothing and when they need advice from someone within the LGBTQ+ community. More recently, my family informally adopted a former student of mine who lived in a very abusive household and was a victim of child trafficking. This person lived in a house that continually denied their gender identity and when they came to live with us I reached out to see if No More Dysphoria could provide us with some binders to help with the dysphoria. They were shipped out within the week and have helped immensely with their mental health. Whenever I get the opportunity, I try to donate to them because they have been such an incredible help to me over the years, and because I know the money I send them is going to help someone else in need.
I found No More Dysphoria when looking for organizations that help trans people get gender affirming items back in 2021. At that time, I had been out for 2 years but was unable to get a binder due to not having any extra money to afford one. I reached out to NMD, and they were able to get me a new binder quickly! They were very kind and explained everything well and got back to me quickly when I first emailed them. Honestly, NMD has been one of the best organizations for trans people I've used, and I'm grateful for that.”
“I would like to say that No More Dysphoria made me believe again, believe in me, they gave me the strength I didn’t have to keep going. When I found out that they were going to help me it bring me back to live because I had no hope getting top surgery soon, it is pretty rough to find or get a stable job in my country (I waited for about 6 - 7 years) and finally got it on 2021. I just want to thank to them so much, because they were the key to my freedom, I love you NMD”
“A helping hand in a time of identity crisis is invaluable.”
“No More Dysphoria was something that really helped me when I didn’t have the money or a safe way to purchase a binder. The sort of security I felt and kindness I received when emailing them was genuinely amazing, I’m actually tearing up a little bit writing this now. Not anything compared to the euphoria I had when I first put a binder on, I cried for about 15 minutes and I am not a crier at all, and that was all in thanks to NMD”
“They deserve all funding and recognition they deserve. Top class
“Really quick process and super nice customer service”
“I’ve been following NMD basically from the beginning. I’ve watched them grow and help countless individuals with costs related to transitioning. I’ve seen bands have a donation bucket for NMD while on your and the community rally around and help. NMD was approachable for me so when I reached out I didn’t feel any intimidation that I was asking a mega nonprofit for help. They were like friend’s organization.”
“Nicole and her team are the nicest people. They helped me when no one else did and did their all to support me. I can’t thank them enough”
“I’m super grateful for the entire process!!!”
“No More Dysphoria helped immensely with my early transition. I was not in a spot at the time where I could afford to buy gender affirming clothes for myself and had just recently came out as trans. It was the peak of covid and the money I received allowed me to buy my first dress, as well as other essentials. I think NMD is a fantastic resource, and I hope that others who are in need can continue to receive aid and assistance with their transitions.”