What we’re about
No More Dysphoria is a non-profit organization created with the goal of helping transgender individuals pay for major aspects of their transition.
Transitioning can be a long, expensive, and sometimes scary process. Trans people face immense discrimination in nearly every aspect of their lives, and we hope to make at least part of that easier.
No More Dysphoria was founded in 2016, and since then we are so happy to have been able to provide aid for over 100 individuals through their transitions. We’ve donated binders, gender affirming clothing, packers, and more. We have also donated funds toward Hormone Replacement Therapy, Top Surgery, Facial Feminization Surgery, and more for many individuals.
Our goal is to continue to provide help in any way we can-whether it’s sharing your GoFundMe page, helping pay for a therapy session, whatever you need help with - we’re here for you.
“If someone told me they needed a cheeseburger for their transition, I’d buy them a damn cheeseburger.”
“On this episode of the podcast, Maroulis and I chatted about one of Hit Like A Girl’s latest singles, “No More Dysphoria.” The song speaks to their experience as a non-binary person, including the exhaustion of misgendering, microagressions, and constantly having to explain your identity. “No More Dysphoria” also shares a name with the non-profit organization that Maroulis runs, which helps transgender individuals pay for aspects of their transition.”
The Pass The Mic Podcast is produced by Allie Pasiuk and Colleen Cowie, and is presented by Renaissance People’s Media. If you want to support the people who make this podcast and Pass The Mic possible, you can head to our Patreon at Patreon.com/passthemicmag.
Sound bite magazine
“This is why your local scene matters: local scenes provide safe and inclusive places for all. Historically, bands who have marginalized members in them have been excluded from certain scenes but this is no longer the case. Speaking with Stacey from NMD, these spaces can be found in pockets all across New Jersey. “There’s definitely pockets that are super inclusive; like Asbury Park, Jersey City, and Montclair.” These pockets provide the inclusion that should have been there in the first place.”